Collaborative Platform in Research and Education
on Humanities and Social Sciences

Events Information





ivent poster



▶ 日時:2019年3月15日(金)14時30分〜17時30分(14時開場)

▶ 講演者:


是澤 優氏 国際連合人間居住計画(国連ハビタット)福岡本部(アジア太平洋担当)本部長


唐 寅氏 公益財団法人 福岡アジア都市研究所 主任研究員

▶ 場所:九州大学伊都キャンパスイースト2号館1階D105講義室


交通アクセス:JR筑肥線「九大学研都市駅」下車(福岡市営地下鉄空港線からJR 筑肥線への直通列車あり)昭和バス九州大学線(①、②または④の乗り場)に乗車し、「九大イーストゾーン」下車(詳細はこちら



E-mail: enquiry-commons★



第3弾企画「アジアの都市化と生活者」(共催:アジア・オセアニア研究教育機構 都市クラスター)を実施しました

Urbanization and Residents in Asia symposium held on Ito Campus



ivents  当日は、大石桂一教授(経済学研究院)の司会のもと、コモンズの協働研究活動委員長・井手誠之輔教授(人文科学研究院)から趣旨説明が行われたのち、講演者である保城広至教授(東京大学社会科学研究所)にご登壇いただきました。


ivents  その後、本学から国分航士講師(人文科学研究院)、江口潔准教授(人間環境学研究院)、山口道弘准教授(法学研究院)、日本会計史学会から野口昌良教授(首都大学東京)に討論者としてご登壇いただき、日本近現代史、教育社会史、日本法制史、会計史の視点から見た歴史分析の課題や学際研究の可能性について論じていただきました。



 With the aim of exploring issues concerning urban residents affected by the rapid urbanization in Asia, the Symposium on Urbanization and Residents in Asia was held at Inamori Hall on Kyushu University’s Ito Campus on July 11, 2019. The symposium was co-organized by the Collaborative Platform in Research and Education on Humanities and Social Sciences (, established in 2018, and the Urban Studies Cluster of the Kyushu University Institute for Asian and Oceanian Studies (, established in 2019.

ivents  Following opening remarks by Professor Seinosuke Ide from the Collaborative Platform, the symposium was divided into a speech session and a commentary session. Mr. Atsushi Koresawa, director of the UN-HABITAT Fukuoka Office, delivered the first of two speeches in the speech session. Under the title “Urbanization, Population Movement, and Residence Issues,” he gave an overview from a global perspective of the issues associated with urbanization around the world and introduced relevant policies introduced by the United Nations, highlighting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in particular.

ivents The other speech was delivered by Dr. Yin Tang, chief researcher at the Fukuoka Asian Urban Research Center, with the title “Community Development and Foreign Residents.” Taking a local perspective, the speech introduced the internationalization of Fukuoka City and city policies supporting foreign residents, including international students, and explored ways to build a culturally diverse community.

 The commentary session featured commentaries on the two speeches from a wide range of disciplinary perspectives, including contemporary art by Professor Masahiro Ushiroshoji from the Faculty of Humanities, environmental psychology by Professor Hirofumi Minami from the Faculty of Human-Environment Studies, international politics by Associate Professor Toru Oga from the Faculty of Law, and environmental economics by Associate Professor Hidemichi Fujii from the Faculty of Economics.

ivents The symposium enabled and facilitated interdisciplinary exploration and exchanges between academics and practitioners, providing an opportunity for researchers and students in Kyushu University to build relationships with local and global partners to address challenges facing urban residents.